Our Path
The name came from increasing profitability by cutting costs and managing resources.
We “Prof-i-si” – prophesy, predict, forecast future expenses and costs.
We are “Prof’s” professors, bright, clever people helping effectively manage your workforce.
We are number ”1” – first, best, numero uno!
We are “Prof – essionals” in “1T” – rostering and payroll, systems, programs, code, mobile and web based solutions.
By being able to prophesy we are able to EVOLVE quickly taking our clients from the “caveman sitting next to the fire trying to roster his fellow cavemen, having to ‘hard-wire’ his system to payroll” to our state-of-the-art ALL-IN-ONE, AWESOME, sitting in an aircon’d office using the Prof1t system!
Prof1t Enterprise HR Rostering & Payroll © 2025 Smart Integrated Solutions (Pty) Ltd by 4R Digital